Tech Intersect™ with Prof Tonya M. Evans

Tech Intersect #24: Dante Disparte-Stablecoins, FinTech and Future of Programmable Money with LibraCoin

Tonya M. Evans Episode 24

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In this episode of Tech Intersect, I speak with Dante Disparte, vice chairman and head of policy and communications for the Libra Association, an independent membership organization focused on creating a stablecoin that supports a financially-inclusive digital future. He is also the founder and chairman of Risk Cooperative and serves on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Advisory Council. 

Now one year into the LibraCoin Project, Dante and I delve into an illuminating conversation about its evolution, current status as of May 2020, the Facebook privacy controversy and testimony before the United States Congress and regulatory landscape, and plans for the fall 2020 launch in the United States and beyond to empower the unbanked and underbanked around the world. And our discussion takes place in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, which has helped make the case even more clear cryptographically secured digital, user-directed, low cost, contactless payments. 


There’s a more cost effective and time-efficient way to reach your leading-edge learning and earning goals, to put you ahead of the stiff competition in this fast-paced, tech-driven economy.

Considering the broken state of ‘higher’ education, there has to be a better way. The fact is, traditional education costs too much, takes too long, and offers no guarantees of a job upon graduation. You need skills. Credentials. An advantage. 

Upcoming sessions:

  • From Cash to Crypto: Buying Your First Bitcoin (6/30-7/14) 
    • Pre-enroll by May 31 for BONUS crypto tax session + Cointracker membership 
  • Register Right!: Protect Your IP, Brand & Business (7/21-8/4) 
    • Pre-enroll by June 21 for BONUS session for coaching to register your mark! 

Ready for an advantage? Inquire now!

Guest social assets

Twitter: @DDisparte

About Libra:
Tonya’s interview with Tom Merritt: Don’t Fear the Libra (re: Facebook’s corporate currency initiative) on The Daily Tech Show with Tom Merritt (Aug. 10, 2019)

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Rapternal Music (Regulate and The Rabbit Hole) b

Regulate & The Rabbit Hole by Notty Prod licensed via Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Produced by Tonya M. Evans for Advantage Evans, LLC

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